About me

I became an avid science fiction reader at the age of ten when I discovered Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers on my first trip to the adult section of the local Carnegie Library. I went on to get degrees in mathematics and psychology in order to help Hari Seldon invent Psychohistory. However, Seldon didn’t need my help, so I took a job writing computer software for medical research at Indiana University.

I kept finding wayward science fiction story ideas hiding in science magazines, on the news, or just about anywhere in daily life, and someone needed to capture them. So in 2010 I started writing.

Since then, I’ve been a slush pile reader for Flash Fiction Online, and a futurist writer for SciFutures. I was greatly encouraged when five of my short stories received awards from the L Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest, and I went on to publish several short stories in various online magazines (see the Publications tab). After several years of grueling but rewarding work, I published my first book, Enemy Immortal, in 2019. Now I have a total of three books in the Entangled Galaxy series, and I’m deep into writing my next book.

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The Entangled Galaxy: Epic Science Fiction